California Grill is located in the Contemporary Resort. We went to California Grill last time I went to Disney World. Did I enjoy it?
They gave us bread.

They also gave us an assortment of cheeses.

Here is a list of the cheeses.

I had the wood-burning oven pepperoni pizza with no basil oregano pistou. It was really good!

My mom got the exact same thing as me except with basil oregano pistou.

My dad had the Oak Fired Filet of Beef. He liked it.

My brother got the cheese pizza from the kids menu.

For dessert my mom and I had the Warm Valrohna Chocolate Cake. It comes with one scoop of vanilla ice cream and chocolate whipped panna cotta. IT WAS SO GOOD!!!!!

My dad and brother had for dessert Plant-Based Lavender Donuts. They liked them. (One of the donuts contains alcohol so make sure you know which one this one is so you do not eat it. My brother did NOT eat the alcohol donut. My dad ate it.)

I give California Grill 4 Mickey Bars! The food took way too long but you get a great view of the fireworks and California Grill has a balcony so you can watch the fireworks.