I saw Spider Man: No Way Home in the movie theaters and am excited to be reviewing it for you!

Before we get into the review, I would like to warn you that this review HAS SPOILERS for Spider Man: No Way Home.

Spider Man: No Way Home starts off right where Spider Man: Far From Home leaves of with Mysterio revealing that Spider Man is Peter Parker.
Peter Parker then goes to see Doctor Strange and asks him if it is possible to do a spell where everyone forgets that Peter Parker is Spider Man. While Doctor Strange is working on the spell, Peter Parker messes everything up by saying that he still wants certain people to remember that he is Spider Man. This ruins the spell and creates the Multiverse of Madness.
I did really like seeing all three Spider Mans together in the movie. I think the other two Spider Mans brought a lot of comedy relief which was definitely needed.

I also liked seeing all the different villains from the other Spider Man movies and seeing things from their perspective. Most of the villains in this movie never wanted to become villains, just the evil parts of themselves took over.

I am going to be completely honest with you. This movie made me so sad. When Aunt May died, I cried. The saddest part for me was when Doctor Strange finally is able to do the spell where everyone forgets that Peter Parker is Spider Man. Everyone also forgets who Peter Parker is. Now, Peter Parker lives by himself and nobody knows him. Isn’t that so sad?!
I give Spider Man: No Way Home 4 Mickey Bars.