Mickey Mouse turned 90 back in November and now you can celebrate with him from now until September 30, 2019.
From themed treats, where to meet Minnie and Mickey together in their celebration clothes, and more, we have a lot to talk about.

First, let’s talk about the Move It! Shake It! Mousekedance It! Street Party. This parade goes from the front of the park to Cinderella’s castle. The best part is getting to see the characters all dressed up.

If you want to join in the dancing then you should go in front of Cinderella’s castle where the parade stops.
You can also get limited edition treats too! At Casey’s Corner you can get the Celebration Brownie. This is a brownie that tastes very fudgy. It’s really good!

Over at The Plaza Ice Cream Parlor, you can get the Minnie Kitchen Sink. It has ice cream, whipped cream, and two cherries. You can also keep the “sink” that the ice cream comes in.
Okay! You can now see Mickey and Minnie TOGETHER in their celebration clothes at Town Square theater. So GO SEE THEM!!!

You can also get the Mickey Sipper Cup at Casey’s Corner.

I hope this guide is helpful!