Hello everyone! Today I thought it would be a great idea to interview my little five year old brother Al. Here is how it went:
Izzy: Hi Al, I hope it’s okay if I interview you for my blog?
Al: Okay.
Izzy: Which is your favorite park?
Al: You know it. Epcot because it has my two favorite rides, Test Track and Spaceship Earth.

Izzy: Why are Test Track and Spaceship Earth your favorite rides?
Al: Test Track because you get to design your own car and the ride goes really fast. Spaceship Earth because at the end you see the moon, you ride backwards and I like the music. That’s all.

Izzy: Do you have a favorite pavilion in Epcot?
Al: I like Canada because there is a show called “O Canada!” and at the end he says, “I have a fastpass for Soarin’. Hate to miss it.”
Izzy: Do you have a favorite snack at Disney World?
Al: The ice cream sandwich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Macarons might be second.
Izzy: In Disney World the macarons are available in the France Pavilion. Do you have a favorite restaurant at Epcot?
Al: Garden Grill! I love that one!
Izzy: Who is your favorite Disney character?
Al: I don’t know.
Izzy: That is okay. Do you like when we stayed at Epcot until nine pm to watch Illuminations? (this is the light show)
Al: Yes I did.
Izzy: Al, do you know how many times you have gone to Disney World?
Al: Six times.
Izzy: Correct! Alright everyone, I think that’s all the questions I had for Al today. Thank you Al for letting me interview you.
Al: Okay, bye!

Izzy: If you wanted to know more on Test Track or Garden Grill, just click the search button on my blog and type the name in and an article about Test Track or Garden Grill will appear. Thanks for reading this article and bye!