It’s time to review Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness!

Before I get into the review, I would like to warn you that there WILL BE SPOILERS for Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness.

Doctor Strange has cast a spell that opens up the multiverse. This causes chaos. Soon, a big threat comes and may be too powerful to defeat.

This movie was intense and very confusing. The confusing part was understanding what was going on in the multiverse.
I was really looking forward to seeing Wanda because she is one of my favorite characters, but I was kind of disappointed. In my opinion, Wanda was too evil in this movie. I thought that Wanda would be the villain in the beginning and then join Doctor Strange’s side once a bigger threat came. I was not expecting Wanda to be evil the whole movie.

This movie can get pretty creepy, so if you are someone who gets scared easily I would not recommend seeing this movie.
I give Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness 3 Mickey Bars. This movie is super confusing and the ending disappointed me.