What I Like About It
The Kilimanjaro Safari is a ride located in Animal Kingdom. On the Safari you ride in a big truck and get to see amazing animals. The Safari is a fun ride for kids because you get to see animals you would normally not see in every day life. The truck bumps around a lot which is also fun. Sometimes the driver can make some jokes as well.

Every time you go on the Safari it’s always different. Why? Because the animals sometimes become the center of attention. On my last Disney World trip in August, we saw an ostridge open its feathers and pee right before our eyes!

Another time a couple of years ago, a rhino was walking right next to our truck! The Safari might sound boring but it’s actually an amazing ride for animal lovers!
What I Don’t Like About It
Pretty much nothing, I love this ride! The only thing I don’t like is that the line can get really long so you really need a Fastpass+.