Liberty Tree Tavern is located in Liberty Square in Magic Kingdom.
The restaurant is made to look like a colonial tavern. While you are waiting for your table you can always color while you wait in the corner. Liberty Tree Tavern used to have Disney characters but not any more. When your table is ready they announce your name by saying “The Smith family from the Virginia colony!” Then everyone starts clapping. The people that work at Liberty Tree Tavern are dressed like they are from the eighteenth century.

There are six dining rooms that represent famous Revolutionary heroes: Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Paul Jones, Paul Revere, Betsy Ross and George Washington.

Last time I was there I had a cheeseburger on the adult menu. ( The kids menu is 9 and under.) It was really good! My parents at The Pilgrim’s Feast and the Colony Salad. They both liked it but what I remember most was that it was A LOT of food!
I give Liberty Tree Tavern five Mickey Bars!