My family and I watch many different Disney World Vloggers and I thought it would be a great idea to tell you who are my favorite Disney World Vloggers!
5. My fifth favorite Disney World vlogger is DFB Guide. (The DFB stands for Disney Food Blog.) These videos are really informative and keep you up to date with the latest Disney News. My favorite DFB Guide videos are the ones like The 25 BEST Disney World Snacks For 2021!

4. Molly from AllEars is my third favorite Disney World vlogger. Molly’s videos are usually really long so make sure you have a lot of time to sit and watch her videos.

3. PCDev is my third favorite Disney World vlogger. What I love about PCDev’s videos is that they are really fast. You don’t get bored.

2. My second favorite Disney World vlogger is ResortTV1. ResortTV1 does a bunch of live streams which means that you can watch their videos while they are in the parks!

- My favorite Disney World vlogger is Paging Mr. Morrow! Paging Mr. Morrow is very funny and he is just entertaining to watch.

I hope this list was helpful!