Toy Story Land is located in Hollywood Studios and is a popular area of the park.

Slinky Dog Dash is a fun outdoor roller coaster in Toy Story Land.

What I love about Slinky Dog Dash is how you can see all of Toy Story Land while riding this ride. On our last Disney World trip, we were waiting in line and this happened!

On Toy Story Mania, you put on 3D glasses and shoot arrows, rings and other objects at lots of different targets. Two people sit side by side on this ride. The one who gets the most points wins.

A new restaurant called Roundup Rodeo BBQ opened in Toy Story Land in March of this year. While I have not been to this restaurant, I would recommend trying it. Why? At one point while you are eating, the Army men will tell you that there was an Andy sighting and everyone in the restaurant has to freeze until Andy passes by!

Alien Swirling Saucers is a spinning ride. This is the only spinning ride that I get on because Alien Swirling Saucers does not make me dizzy.

I hope that this list helps you have the best day at Toy Story Land!