Findind Nemo: The Big Blue…and Beyond! is the new version of Finding Nemo-The Musical.

Most of the show was the same as Finding Nemo-The Musical. There were some changes though. Finding Nemo:The Big Blue…and Beyond! is 25 mintues long. Finding Nemo-The Musical was 40 mintues long. Another change is at the beginning of the show. Now, the group of fish from Dr. P. Sherman’s office have come to the Marine Life Institute to tell Nemo’s story.

I still enjoyed this show and liked how colorful the show was.

This musical very accurately tells the Finding Nemo story. I also feel like all the fish and sharks have very expressive faces.

This show still has the songs “In The Big Blue World”, “Just Keep Swimming”, “Go With The Flow”, and other songs.

I think that this is a good show to see, especially if you want to get out of the heat!