Are you looking for a Star Wars show where you can see your favorite Star Wars characters up close? Well, look no further!

Star Wars: A Galaxy Far, Far Away is located in Hollywood Studios and is a show outside. Star Wars: A Galaxy Far, Far Away shows you scenes from different Star Wars movies.

Different characters from Star Wars walk up on the stage too such as C3PO, R2D2, Darth Maul, Chewbacca, Boba Fett, Darth Vader, Stormtroopers, Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma, First Order Stormtroopers, BB8, and Rey. (Rey was not yet in the show yet when I took the video down below.)

My favorite part of the show is when the different Star Wars characters go on the stage because it feels like you’re in Star Wars with them.

My advice is to go to the show very early because it gets crowded before the show when people are taking spots to stand. Do not be late for Star Wars: A Galaxy Far, Far Away or else you will end up in the back with a tall person in front of you. If you remember this advice you will enjoy the show!

Here are some additional pictures:

Here is the video of Star Wars: A Galaxy Far, Far Away:
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