Here is a list of my favorite rides in Hollywood Studios.

My favorite ride in Hollywood Studios is Slinky Dog Dash. (For a Slinky Dog Dash review click here!) Slinky Dog Dash is located in Toy Story Land and is a fast roller coaster.

My second favorite ride is Toy Story Mania. (For a Toy Story Mania review click here!) Toy Story Mania is also in Toy Story Land. It is a fun 3D ride.
My third favorite ride is Star Tours. (For a Star Tours review click here!) On this ride you go on a mission in the galaxy with C3PO.

My fourth favorite ride is Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular. (It’s actually a show not a ride but I really like this show!) Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular shows some behind the scenes stunts and if you are 18 or older you can even take part in the show! (For a review of the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular, click here!)

My fifth favorite ride is Alien Swirling Saucers. This ride is located in Toy Story Land and you sit down in a spaceship and spin around and around.