Yes you heard that sentence correctly!

For the first time, Mars Wringly is virtually doing trick-or-treating with there app called Treat Town app. When you download this app you will be able to create a virtual door and sign up to be either a candy giver or a trick-or-treater. Candy givers can buy candy credits and let anyone including friends or family in The United States virtually trick-or-treat at their house.

Pretty cool right?
If you would rather be a trick-or-treater then you can virtually visit friends’ houses and receive candy. You can then redeem this candy to get ACTUAL candy.
This app will also let you be able to go trick-or-treating at The Haunted Mansion!

Now until October 31, 2020 you can virtually visit The Haunted Mansion while you are at home. You can look at characters from the ride and unlock Disney costumes. New costumes are unlocked every day so you will want to keep on the look out!
You can also virtually visit other places like M&M’s New York, M&M’s Racing, the Snickers House, and Skittles Rainbow.
I think this is a great way to enjoy Halloween without leaving your house! Happy Halloween!!