One Day At Disney Shorts Review

One Day At Disney Shorts is a great show if you want to know what is going on behind the scenes in Disney World!

In this show, you get to learn about the people that work at Disney. You get to see how these people do their jobs and you get to hear personal stories.

What I like about this show is how you can learn about many different jobs. You can learn about the CEO of Disney, a storybook artist, a candy maker, the Radio Disney host, and so much more! If you like Magic Of Disney’s Animal Kingdom, than I think you should try One Day At Disney Shorts. Even if you do not like Magic Of Disney’s Animal Kingdom, I think you will still enjoy this show.

Another great thing about this show is that every episode is only four, five, six, seven, or eight minutes long so you can watch a bunch of episodes!

I give One Day At Disney Shorts 5 Mickey Bars!

Also, on November 12, 2020 Disney+ celebrated its 1 year anniversary! Congratulations Disney+!