Loki just ended on Disney+ and I loved it!

Before you read any further I want you to know that this review will HAVE SPOILERS for the Loki series and Marvel movies.

In Avengers: Endgame, the Avengers traveled back to New York City and Loki grabs the Tesseract and vanishes. Now, we finally know where he vanished to! Loki vanished to the TVA, a place where people make sure time is flowing the correct way and if it isn’t then they erase it.
I really enjoyed this show because Loki is my favorite Marvel villain. I also really liked Sylvie who is the woman version of Loki and I found it not surprising that Loki would fall in love with technically himself.
Before watching this show I recommend watching these Marvel movies first.
Thor. This is the first movie where we are introduced to Loki and learn about his backstory.

Avengers. Loki comes to Earth thinking that Earth needs a ruler and that that ruler is him. He is the villain in this movie. This is the Loki we see in the Loki show.

Thor: The Dark World. You don’t have to watch this movie in order to watch Loki but if you want to learn a lot about Loki then you should watch this movie.

Thor:Ragnarok. This movie is amazing! It’s hilarious! This is the movie where Loki helps Thor save the people of Asgard from Hela and Ragnarok. It’s full of jokes and my second favorite movie in the MCU after Captain America The Winter Soldier.

Avengers: Infinity War. In the beginning of this movie, Loki dies for real. It isn’t an illusion, he actually dies.

Avengers: Endgame. Now this is where everything gets complicated. The Avengers went back in time to the Avengers movie and Loki grabs the Tesseract and vanishes to the Loki show.

I give Loki 4 Mickey Bars! Every week I wanted to know what would happen next in this series and while I didn’t always understand what was going on, I still mostly enjoyed this show. My only complaint is that the last episode disappointed me a little and the show left on a cliff hanger.
I can’t wait for season two of Loki!