Hawkeye ended on Disney+ and I really enjoyed it!

Before we get deep into the review, I would like to inform you that this review HAS SPOILERS for the Hawkeye series and the Marvel movies.

Hawkeye takes place during Christmas time where Clint Barton (Hawkeye) and his family are visiting New York for the holidays. Meanwhile, Kate Bishop, who has looked up to Hawkeye since she was a little girl, gets caught up in a murder mystery that involves the Ronin. This makes Hawkeye take his family home and help Kate Bishop.
This series was really well done and I really liked how this series took place during Christmas time. This gave the series a very magical effect.

This series was very intriguing because every episode you come closer and closer to finding out who the murder is.
I also loved Rogers The Musical! I was so happy that the entire song was at the end of the last episode!

I was happy that we got to see Yelena again. I think one of the best parts of the show was just watching Yelena and Kate Bishop interact. They both were really funny together.
I would give Hawkeye 5 Mickey Bars because I honestly don’t have any complaints! The show was interesting and drew me in. I think I also enjoyed this show a lot because everything took place on Earth, so everything made logical sense.