Ms. Marvel just ended on Disney+ and today I will be talking about this show!

Before we get into the review, I would like to warn you that this review will CONTAIN SPOILERS for the Ms. Marvel show.

Ms. Marvel is about Kamala Khan, a sixteen year old teenager. She is a big fan of superheros, especially Captain Marvel. Kamala feels like she does not belong at school or at home. Then, she gets superpowers and must learn how to control them.
I really loved all the bright colors and the music in this show. It made the show feel happier. I also liked learning about Kamala’s heritage through out the show. After watching this show, you will walk away knowing more about Pakistani culture.
I enjoyed how we got to see Kamala learn how to use her powers and how she gets more comfortable using them over time.

The only problem I had with this show was the final episode. I felt like the story line was solved a little too easily. Just an episode before, Kamala’s parents did not trust her and now all of a sudden they seem to trust her with having superpowers. It also seemed kind of weird to me that a bunch of trained bad guys would not be able to defeat a bunch of teenagers. I also found the villain at the end to be too over the top bad.
I give Ms. Marvel 5 Mickey Bars! This has become my favorite Marvel show!